The tragic tale of the Bedok Slow Loris
Once upon a time, in a bustling city called Singapore, there lived a little creature with big, shiny eyes and a gentle, slow-moving way of life. This little creature was called a slow loris , and it was very special critically endangered animal. That means there were very few slow lorises left in the world, and they needed all the help they could get to stay safe.
One day, a kind person was walking near Bedok Reservoir when they spotted something unusual — a small, furry animal all alone and looking very weak. The creature was the very same slow loris! But this poor little animal was in trouble. It was very thirsty and exhausted, and it had been left all alone, far from its natural home. The kind person quickly called ACRES, a group of animal heroes who help take care of animals in need.
ACRES rushed to the rescue and took the slow loris to their wildlife hospital. They gave it some water and food and did their very best to help it feel better. But, despite their hard work, the little slow loris was just too weak. It sadly passed away, and everyone was heartbroken. They knew that the slow loris had been brought to Singapore in a way that wasn’t right — it had been taken away from its home and kept illegally as a pet.
You see, slow lorises are often taken from their natural homes in the wild and sold as pets, but this is a very bad thing to do. These little animals belong in the forests, where they can live happily and safely. When people keep them as pets, they can get hurt and sick because they aren’t meant to live in a cage or in someone’s home.
Just a few days later, ACRES heard another horrifying story. A man named had kept 32 wild animals in his flat, including a slow loris! Some of these animals were very rare and endangered, just like the slow loris that had been found at the reservoir. The ignorant man didn’t have the right papers or permits to keep them, and it was against the law to have these animals as pets.
ACRES knew that something needed to be done. They didn’t want any more animals to be hurt or taken from the wild. So, they sent a letter to the government, asking them to give the man a tough punishment for keeping these animals. They believed that if people saw that serious consequences were given to those who break the law, it might help stop the illegal trade of wild animals.
The government promised to look into the case, and they began investigating the situation carefully. ACRES hoped that one day, the slow loris — and all animals — would be safe from harm and could live peacefully in their natural homes, far from the dangers of illegal pet trades.
And so, while the little slow loris may have sadly passed away, its story became a reminder to everyone that protecting animals is very important. Every creature, big or small, needs love and respect, and it’s up to all of us to help keep them safe.
[37] Neo, Chai Chin. Wildlife Group Urges Stronger Sentence against Man Who Illegally Kept Wildlife. February 13, 2014.